News Releases
East China Engineering Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (ECEC) went to South Africa and Iraq to carry out business investigation Briefing
  • Release Date:2023-06-30
  • Author:

Focusing on the theme of "promotingthe concept of openness and win-win", CNCEC guides its subsidiaries toactively carry out international exchanges and cooperation in various fields,accelerate the construction of the "Belt and Road" project, helpbuild a high-quality international cycle of high-level opening up, and promoteglobal common prosperity. From June 20th to June 29th, the general manager of ECEC led a team to South Africa and Iraq for business investigation. During theperiod, they had talks and exchanges with the Deputy Minister of the Departmentof Trade, Industry and Competition of South Africa, and visited the DeputyMinister of Ministry of Electricity of Iraq. All parties reached a series ofconsensus on the introduction of professional technology, the in-depthdevelopment and utilization of local mineral resources, and the fulfillment ofsocial responsibilities. In the future, ECEC will adhere to the concept of"win-win cooperation", deepen the cooperation model with relevantparties, promote the upgrading of local technology industry, and provideChinese solutions for promoting the sustainable development of the globaleconomy.

Visit Nomalungelo Gina-DeputyMinister of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition of South Africa

Visit the Deputy Minister of Ministry ofElectricity of Iraq