  • 1963
    Founded in Huainan in 1963

    ECEC originated from the Third Design Institute under Ministry of Chemical Industry of China and was founded in Huainan, Energy Capital of China, in 1963.

  • 1987
    Further development of business in Hefei in 1987

    ECEC was relocated in 1987, and based itself in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, a Lake City of Innovation, which is a sub-center city in China’s Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration where it started to adopt the global common mode to undertake the general contracting business.

  • 2007
    Engaged in the capital market in 2007

    In July 2001, ECEC was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange of China to enter Stock A market, with the stock code of 002140. Since then, it became the pioneer of share-holding companies in the engineering survey and design industry of China.

  • 2016
    Integration of production and marketing in 2016

    ECEC implemented the integration strategy in its production and marketing to speed up the process of building the company’s informatization to achieve rapid growth in both the operating revenue and profits.

  • 2021
    ECEC transformation and upgrading in 2021

    ECEC proposed its new strategy as “one fundamentals + three vertical and three horizontal development strategies” to promote the development strategy of “differentiation, industrialization and internationalization” in a vertical manner, and lay out its industrial field in “new materials, new energy and new environmental protection” in a horizontal manner.